

点击数:132次    2021-03-11 13:55


  Imagine connecting all the elements of life from the Creator to the dust of the earth in a single hierarchical structure. That’s what classical and medieval philosophers sought to do. They termed it“The Great Chain of Being.” This idea dominated scientific and theological thinking for centuries. However as method-based scientific investigation along with new paradigms of structuring nature began to revolutionize knowledge in the Renaissance and Enlightenment the Great Chain of Being became little more than a historical curiosity. Yet this redundancy does not mean that it has been cast aside and completely forgotten. This idea is still widely investigated by scholars of the history of ideas in their attempt to understand the past and how it influenced subsequent developments.


  In the language industry I would argue that we are undergoing a similar transformation in our understanding of how to transform source texts into myriad targets on a bewildering variety of subjects in a heterogeneous communications environment. In our case the chain we use to describe the links between language professionals and end users is termed the supply chain. This is a commonly used business term and is key in helping us organize our activities efficiently in terms of costs and time.


  The advent of the supply chain in business seems to have been motivated by the desire to model processes in such a way as to facilitate smooth production of goods and services. It also served to identify all elements that were necessary for those processes to be structured efficiently with cost-effectiveness a prime motivating factor. A point we can learn from this is that the elements in a supply chain have always been therebut modeling them endows linkage a structure where if you like causes and effects are explicitly understood.


  Except that’s not exactly the way the language industry’s supply chain works. The truth known to all language professionals is that the supply chain in our industry is fragmented and actually is prejudicial to the interests of the organizations that provide services like translation localization and so on to the ultimate buyers.


  In the language community our supply chain models have had drastic changes in very short periods of time. The chain of supply used to be simple and obvious. A client’s requirement and a translator’s work embodied a straightforward one-to one relationship. Of course there were complications from time to time but the list of parameters involved was minimal. Nothing ever stays the same! Client requirements have mushroomed. Technology has proliferated at an unimaginable speed. The world has shrunk. Our community has responded with the advent of localization internationalization and globalization. And now we’re theorizing about heading off planet! What’s next universalization?


  Well whatever the Musks and Bezoses of this world are planning we’d better be prepared because as things stand the language industry’s supply chain has not evolved in accordance with the aforementioned industry developments. Language services are one of the more recent business sectors to benefit from the wealth of tools and techniques of business analysis. Just a few decades ago translation was mostly provided by freelance translators. International publishing houses academia and only a few businesses like language learning were exceptions. In recent decades the entire multilingual landscape has undergone massive seismic shifts. As language service providers (LSPs) have responded to the changing requirements of the business community new ways of analyzing how language services can meet those requirements have emerged. One of those is in modeling a supply chain in which all the intricacies of supply and demand are met. But how successful have these models been? The answer is so-so. A number of factors are preventing that answer from being 《语言供应链的链接》节选_瑞科上海翻译公司 an unqualified yes.

  好吧,不管这个世界上的马斯克们(自动驾驶)跟贝佐斯们(电商行业)正筹划着甚么,咱们皆须要做好更充足的筹备。由于,便近况来看,语言服务行业的供应链明显借不跟上上述行业的开展措施。语言效劳是一个相对而言较新兴的商业部门,它的开展得益于丰硕的贸易剖析对象跟技巧。便正在几十年前,大部分的翻译事情借皆是由自由舌人实现。一些国际出书公司、学术机构跟近似于语言学习机构的少数企业属于例外情况。远几十年去,全部多语言情况阅历了极大的变更。语言服务提供商 (LSP) 尽力应答贸易企业不休变更的要求,对于语言效劳若何知足这些要求的全新分析方法也应运而生。此中之一就是创立一种供应链模子,经由过程这一模子知足供需之间扑朔迷离的关联。可是这些模子究竟取得了多年夜的胜利?谜底是,不过如此。多种因素招致咱们没法给出一个令人满意的回覆。

  There is no single model of the language industry supply chain. In fact those devised so far lie between the very simple and the very complex. The simplest model describes the process of a language supplier meeting the demand of a plain translation requirement. One source; one target (Figure 1).

  关于语言服务行业来讲,并没有存在一种通用的供应链模子。事实上,现阶段提出的各类模子皆介于非常简单跟非常复杂两个极度之间。最简略的模子描写了语言服务提供商为了知足平凡翻译要求而实行的流程。一个起源;一个方针(图 1)。

  Figure 1: A simple supply chain.

图 1:简略供应链。

  Increase the parameters of those elements introduce language technology factor in cultural aspects quality control peer review financial constraints and so on and simplicity yields to complexity. One of the developments that characterized the translation and localization industry during the last couple of decades was consolidation. From at least a dozen large vendors we are currently down to a handful publicly trading or with full financial backing. Consolidation also manifested itself in the emergence of a relatively standard production outsourcing model. The larger vendors took on multilanguage multiservice projects outsourcing the core translation services to single language vendors one in each target country. Tese smaller local LSPs normally work from one or more source languages into one target language only and either work with onsite translators or contractors.

  增长元素参数、引入语言技巧、文明影响、质量节制、偕行评审、财政制约因素等等...使模子从简略变得复杂。过来几十年里,翻译跟本地化行业最显著的开展之一就是归并:从至少十几家大规模的服务提供商,到此刻少许的公然生意业务或拥有充足资金撑持的供应商。跟着绝对尺度的出产中包模子的呈现,归并景象愈来愈较着。大型供应商承接多语言、多元服务项目,而焦点的翻译使命平常外包给单语言供应商(例如,正在每一个目标语言国度取舍一家供应商)。这些本地较小规模的语言服务提供商 (LSP) 担任将一种或多种源语言翻译成同一种方针语,翻译事情平常由外部舌人或签约的翻译供给圆实现。

  Figure 2: A longer chain means distance between clients and translators.

  图 2:供应链越长便意味着客户与舌人之间的距离越近。

  This particular enlargement of the supply chain has resulted in the translators being extremely removed from the client (Figure 2). This fragmentation of the language industry is problematic because it creates division between clients (demand) and translators (supply). The consequence of this is that information that should be freely flowing from the client to the translator is blocked or simply lost in the large chain. The LSPs have used this block as a means to devalue the service of the translator as being easily replaceable should the need arise. The freelance translator as an individual doing business is no match for the LSP which as an organization is able to meet the clients’ demands and invest in similar automation.

  延伸供应链招致舌人与客户距离两头,相距甚远(图 2)。语言服务行业供应链的片断式是存在问题的,它形成了客户(需要)与舌人(供给)之间的离散。由此招致的成果就是本应从客户处顺畅转达至舌人的信息遭到隔绝,或许完整沉没正在层层链条中。语言服务提供商 (LSP) 应用这类片断隔绝形态降低舌人效劳的市场价钱。“客户需要”不再指定由某个舌人实现,任何舌人皆可能被轻松取代。自由舌人以个人身份开展业务举止,其才能根本无法与语言服务提供商 (LSP) 匹敌,后者作为组织机构可能知足分歧的客户需要并投资使用自动化技巧。

  Because of this ability of the large LSPs to match client investment in automation the language industry operates with an asymmetrical supply chain. The automation and localization efforts of large corporate ventures have resulted in very sophisticated technology to power translation using MT and translation memories in turn managed with version control and project management software tools. Yet the rendering of source language into target translation is still performed by highly-trained translation professionals. Somehow the requirements of the demand end of the chain are disproportionate to the supply end. Asymmetry exists disrupting efficiency (Figure 3).

  鉴于大型语言服务提供商 (LSP) 具有依据客户要求投资使用自动化技巧的才能,语言服务行业的运作造成了一种两头没有对称的供应链。大型创投企业经由过程正在自动化跟本地化方面的尽力,开辟出了非常复杂的技巧:应用机器翻译 (MT) 跟翻译影象库实现壮大的翻译才能,经由过程版本控制跟项目管理软件工具对机器翻译 (MT) 跟影象库停止经管;而将源语转换为方针语的翻译使命依然由颠末专业培训的翻译专业人士实现。便如许,供应链的需要端与供给端比重失衡。没有对称景象的存在扰乱了服从(图 3)。

  Figure 3: Adding tech to the long supply chain.

图 3:正在少供应链中参加技巧。

  It seems clear therefore that tech alone is not the solution to the problem. What is required is a means of strengthening on an equal basis the links in the supply chain thus providing full recognition of all of those contributing to its functions.


  The financial burden of licenses and the constant pressure to upgrade software is a perennial source of pain for freelancers. It’s also a headache for companies especially huge corporations where spending on software may be subject to restrictions stipulated by procurement. Full stack tools are myriad these days and you can’t use every one on offer.


  Businesses these days are driven by market forces that massively enlarge their operations and with that comes increasing complexity. As a consequence any modeling activity must try to capture structures that resist depiction as stable slow-changing entities. Perhaps business management software tools can help but dynamic situations are not always predictable. The localization community is a perfect example of this conundrum. The development of CAT tools industry standards like XML and now some increasingly efficient machine translation apps have greatly improved the likelihood of sophisticated client requirements with ever-shortening delivery dates and reduced costs. But this just increases asymmetry between LSPs and the language professionals who actually do the work. Enterprises are not much inclined to speak about this and so the situation prevails. The real truth is that technology alone cannot supply and meet all translation requirements. Thankfully however this is now being brought out into the open as the supply chain is increasingly shown to be fragmented.

  而企业正在以后市场力气的鞭策下,大幅扩展各自的经营规模,继而致使运营的复杂性不休进步。是以,建模举止需尽量捕捉制止实体不变跟变更迟缓的布局。大概,业务管理软件工具可能供给资助,可是静态情境并没有老是可以猜测的。本地化行业就是这类难题的一个绝佳示例。CAT 对象、诸如 XML 之类的行业标准和此刻一些服从不休晋升的机器翻译 app 的开辟为知足庞大的客户要求、不休缩短的交稿工夫跟降低成本等各方面方针供给了更多能够,也使语言服务提供商 (LSP) 与那些实际处置翻译事情的语言专业人士之间的不对称性进一步加剧。只管企业多数守口如瓶,而那一景象渐渐变得习以为常。光靠技巧并没法供给跟知足一切翻译要求,这是不争的究竟。所幸的是,跟着语言服务行业供应链两头离散景象的日趋较着,行业曾经起头公然探讨这一问题。

  Language professionals themselves also must shoulder some responsibility for this state of affairs. The language community is made up of many different skill sets and each of these harbors a range of experience by which individuals qualify as translation providers or not. Inexperienced and new translators often find themselves in a supporting role to the experienced and successful providers whose services are in demand by LSPs. This inequality is difficult to overcome and with the pressure mounting for ever-increasing volumes of translations in ever-increasing language pairs the supply chain’s links are under even more strain.

  语言专业人士本身也须要对那一局势负有必然的责任。语言社群由大批分歧的妙技散构成,此中每种妙技集都须要堆集丰硕的履历,而这些妙技散也是衡量团体是不是具有作为翻译提供者资历的尺度。缺乏经验的新舌人们平常只能作为资深、胜利的翻译提供者的助手,而语言服务提供商 (LSP) 关于这类资深翻译爱才如命。这类没有对等是难以消弭的,加上不休增加的语言对跟翻译量,供应链内各元素间的链接也正在蒙受愈来愈年夜的压力。

  This is a complicated and tortuously involved situation. Corporate enterprises urgently need to reexamine the status of the language community and elevate it to a much higher prominence in their globally-driven structures. LSPs and sundry consultants need to understand that the days of using translation professionals as irrelevant are distant history. Educators need to forge new links and share their work to elevate the level of experience new graduates bring to the job market. The supply chain needs to be reforged in order to accommodate new and burgeoning technology skilled users and innovative enterprises across the globe. We all need to keep reminding ourselves of our multilingual status and to cast off the hegemonies that resulted in this highly imperfect business environment. We should be ambitious in attempting to modify our business cultures to reflect more closely the cultures we find in this amazingly diverse world. The challenge is there so what are we waiting for?

  这是一种扑朔迷离的景象。企业十分火急天想要从头审视语言社群的形态,并将其正在各自全球化布局中的重要性晋升到更下的程度。语言服务提供商 (LSP) 跟各种参谋须要晓得,认为翻译专业人士可有可无的期间已成为迢遥的汗青。教育者们须要打造新的链接,分享各自的结果,晋升应届毕业生进入职场时的履历程度。咱们须要从头打造供应链,使其顺应疾速开展的新技巧、知足闇练用户跟创新型企业的需要。咱们须要不休提示本人的多语言身份,解脱形成这类高度缺陷的贸易情况的行业影响。咱们应意得志满,尽力来转变以后的贸易文明,使其与咱们所在的这个多元世界的文明一路熠熠生辉。应战曾经呈现,您借正在等甚么呢?

节选自Jeannette Stewart——The links of the language supply chain










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