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The German language is notorious for being difficult to learn, and it can be said that this reputation is based on factual evidence. However, those who don’t have a deeper understanding of German shouldn’t be so quick to misinterpret the details. 学习德国的第一个规则之一是,例如与浪漫语言一样,名词总是被大写化,并且具有三种性别,而不仅仅是两个(男性和女性)。德国人具有男性气质,女性化和中性,每一种都有自己的差异。为了知道正确的赤字是什么,人们必须知道四个主要的情况:名词,指责,对立和基因。这四种情况之间的差异如下:在提名情况下,单独的名词被指定或指定,而不与另一个对象进行任何交互。在指责中,它提到这个名词涉及某种行为或运动。潜水通常涉及物体或物体的位置。最后,基因是指起源或所有权。一些动词需要使用一种情况.One of the first rules of German is that nouns are always capitalized and have three genders, not just two (masculine and feminine), as is the case with Romance languages, for example. German has masculine, feminine and neuter, each of which comes with its own variations. In order to know what the correct declination is, one must know the four principal cases: the nominative, the accusative, the dative and the genitive. The difference among these four cases is the following: in the nominative case the noun alone is appointed or designated without any interaction with another object. In the accusative it makes a reference that the noun is involved in some kind of action or movement. The dative usually involves the location of the object or subject. Finally, the genitive refers to origin or ownership. Some verbs require the use of one case, while others require the use of another, and the only way to learn it is through memorization, otherwise we are doomed to make endless mistakes.语法和句子结构往往是决定开始学习这门语言的人的挑战。真的有很多规则,但好消息是它们是合乎逻辑的,并被遵循; 你只需要有一个很好的记忆来记住他们。Grammar and sentence structure are often a challenge for those who decide to start studying this language. There really are a lot of rules, but the good news is that they’re logical and are followed; you just have to have a good memory to remember them all.德语也是一种建设性语言,其中可以无限期地加入(无限期地)单词以创建更具体的描述或事物的定义。一个这样的话是“Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften”,这意味着“提供法律保护的保险公司”,而且不管相信与否,这不是 德语中最长的一个词。German is also a constructive language in which words can be joined (indefinitely?) to create more specific descriptions or definitions of things. One such word is “Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften” which means “insurance companies providing legal protection” … and, believe it or not, this isn’t the longest word in the German language.根据所使用的介词或构造的类型,很难习惯颠倒句子顺序。例如,“Diese sind die Freunde,die ich in Europa kennengelernt habe”将被翻译为“这些是我在欧洲遇到的朋友”,如果这个订单是用德语维护的。It can be hard to get used to the inverted sentence order, depending on the type of preposition or construction that is used. For example, “Diese sind die Freunde, die ich in Europa kennengelernt habe” would be translated as “These are the friends that I in Europe have met”, if the order is maintained in German. 即使一个人研究了很多年的语言并达到流利程度和理解的一个很好的水平,他们仍然必须处理所有不同的德国方言中存在的每一个地区(更不用说所有不同的口音)德国,奥地利,瑞士和意大利的部分地区,甚至在非洲的前德国殖民地。这些方言之间的区别是非常极端的,因为许多德语母语者甚至可能需要字幕来理解来自自己国家的电视节目,因为方言是相互不同的。Even when a person studies the language for many years and achieves an excellent level of fluency and understanding, they still have to deal with all the different German dialects (not to mention all the different accents) that exist in every region of Germany, Austria, parts of Switzerland and Italy and even in former German colonies in Africa. The difference between some of these dialects is so extreme that many native German-speakers may even need subtitles to understand television programs from their own country, because the dialects are so different from one another.学习德语是很困难的,但不是不可能的。这是一个喜欢挑战的人的操场。对于那些没有时间或学习手段的人来说,他们总能依靠翻译机构提供的支持来与德国人交流,与他们的文化保持联系。It is difficult, but not impossible to learn German. It is a playground for those who love a good challenge. And for those who don’t have the time or the means to study, they can always count on the support provided by translation agencies in order to interact with German speakers and get in touch with their culture.










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