

点击数:74次    2019-09-17 18:21

  发布者:上海翻译公司 发布时间:2011-11-21




  作为国内出口美国橱柜行业的龙头企业,白玉兰家具在近 20 年的发展过程中始终坚持质量这一企业生命线,生产的厨房和浴室柜产品无论是在美观度、质量和市场导向性都走在国内同行业的前列,受到国外客户的一致好评,并与JSI,TSG,KWW 等美国知名的橱柜经销商建立起长期合作伙伴关系。凭借公司良好的信誉,如今这些经销商已经成为公司永久的朋友,并以和白玉兰合作为荣,在时下世界经济形势不景气的背景下公司订单仍源源不断,保持20-30%增长率。



  企业信誉:公司是重合同 AAA 守信用单位,自成立至今公司秉持“卓越管理、追求更好、顾客满意、持续改进”的质量方针,坚持“制度第一、质量第一”的管理手段,科学管理。多年来经出入境检验检疫局检验,一直达到100%产品合格率,在北美市场取得了很高的知名度。

  生产规模、出口量、出口国家:公司现有在职职工850 人,生产车间面积20800 平方,年外销额2 亿元以上,产品全部出口美国、欧洲等市场。

  另外,公司新建厂房2 万平方米,引进德国、意大利自动喷涂设备,对现有的油漆工艺进行改革,使用水性环保油漆;将于2011 年10 月份投产使用。届时我司产能将提高60%;涂装车间的工作环境将达到国内同行业领先水平。

  3. 白玉兰家具质量安全自控体系建设及运行情况?

  4. 白玉兰家具自检实验室资质、能力如何?

  企业自身进行胶水粘合力耐温、耐水检验(参照日本集成材检测标准-NO。112, 1996),油漆进行附着力、冷热循环、耐黄变检验(参照国标),五金进行盐雾检验,胶合板进行沸水剥

  离检验等。公司原料委托 SGS 上海检测中心及国家林业局华东木材及制品质量监督检验中心检测。


  2005 年5 月获得ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系标准要求证书。

  2008 年4 月获得江苏出入境检验检疫局颁发的出境竹木草制品生产企业注册登记证书。

  2008 年11 月份建立了D6007 实验室,2009 年1 月份获得美国CARB 认证。至此,我司出口的产品甲醛释放量全部符合美国加州空气环境委员会法条规定的P2 标准。


  近三年来,公司申请的免验产品厨房家具占公司总产量的100%,通过公司完善的管理及严格的质量控制,产品的安全质量通过江苏出入境检验检疫局工业品检测中心检测其甲醛释放量及总铅量均大大低于标准值,甚至已达到国际上最为严格的美国加州将于2009 年1 月1 日施行的《加利福尼亚规则法典》中降低复合木制品甲醛排放的有毒物质空气传播控制措施的标准,历年来经



  FAQs about Magnolia:

  1. How about the influence of Magnolia?

  As the leading enterprise of domestic cupboard industry exported to U.S., Magnolia always insists that “quality is the life” in the last 20 years of development. Kitchen and bathroom cabinet products produced by it rank the first among domestic counterpart industry in terms of aesthetics, quality and market orientation. It receives customer praise, and has established long-term cooperative relationship with famous U.S. cupboard distributors, such as JSI, TSG, KWW, etc. With its good reputation, these distributors have become permanent friends of the company, and are proud of cooperation with Magnolia. Magnolia still receives continuous order under current unfavorable economic situation, and keeps 20-30% growth rate.

  With the constant development of Magnolia, its social influence, demonstration and production scale shall be improved further, and the company is bound to the model in wooden industry and “frontrunner” in cupboard industry.

  2. What are the reputation, production scale, export volume and export countries of Magnolia?

  Corporate reputation: the company observes contract and keeps promise and is an AAA credit 家具英文翻译案例:常见的问题及解决方法 enterprise. It always adheres to the quality policy of “Brilliant Management, Further Pursuit, Customer Satisfaction and Constant Improvement”, insists the scientific managing principle of “system first, quality first”. During many years of entry-exit inspection, its products always keep 100% product pass rate, and win very high reputation in North America market.

  Production scale, export volume, export countries: 850 staff, 20800 m2 of production workshop area, more than RMB 0.2 billion Yuan of annual foreign sales, products exporting to America, Europe and other markets.In addition, the company has newly built a 20000 m2 workshop, which has been put into production in October 2011. It in检查不孕不育多少钱troduced automatic spraying device from German and Italy. It also reformed the existing paint process and adopted water-base 家具英文翻译案例:常见的问题及解决方法 environment-friendly paint. Then the production capacity can increase by 60%, and the work environment of painting workshop shall reach the leading level of the related domestic industry.

  3. How about the construction and operation of quality safety automatic control system of Magnolia?

  The company always adheres to the principle of “quality is life and honest and faithful”. ISO9001:2000 quality management system and product quality and safety traceability system are established since the beginning, and theses systems have been put into practical production management. Strict inspection are conducted in terms of selection of raw material supplier and qualified assessment, regular examination of plywood batch (qualified testing centre of the third party), regular self-check and examination of paint, hardware 家具英文翻译案例:常见的问题及解决方法 and glue, and each link of production and process. For product safety, large amount of manpower and material resources are put by the company every year, because what we pursue is not efficiency first but a sense of social responsibility on product quality.

  4. How about the qualification and capacity of self test laboratory for Magnolia?

  The company can conduct glue cohesion temperature and water resistance inspections (refer to Japanese laminated wood inspection standard- No. 112, 1996), paint adhesion, thermal-cold cycle, yellowing test (refer to international standard), hardware salt-fog test, plywood boiling water stripping inspection, etc.

  The company entrusts SGS Shanghai Testing Center and State Forestry Bureau Huadong Wood and Its Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center to inspect raw materials.

  The company entrusts Architecture and Decoration Materials Testing Laboratory of Industrial Products Testing Center of Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to inspect finished products.

  5. How about the registration and system certification of Magnolia?

  Obtain certificate of ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Standard in May, 2005.

  Obtain Registration Certificate of Exit Bamboo and Grass Production Enterprise issued by Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Apr. 2008.

  Establish D6007 laboratory in Nov. 2008, obtain U.S. CARB certification in Jan. 2009. At present, formaldehyde release of products exported by the company conforms to P2 standard specified in articles of USA California Air Environment Associate.

  6. How about the quality safety of export products in recent three years?

  In recent three years, 100% kitchen furniture products are exempted from孕14 national quality surveillance inspection. With perfect management and strict quality control, product formaldehyde release and total lead content (inspected by Industrial Products Testing Center of Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) are significantly lower than standard value in terms of product safety and quality, even reach the strictest international standard for reducing toxic substance airborne transmission released by composite wood control measure in California Rules Codification issued by USA California on Jan 1, 2009. Products inspe做试管婴儿的成功率多少cted by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau are 100% passing rate over the years.


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